Swim Lessons
Sea Love Swim private lessons for children ages 6+. 25-30 minutes per lesson.
Welcome to Sea Love Swim, the premier destination for child swim lessons. Our experienced and qualified instructors use a gentle approach to make sure that children of all ages feel comfortable in the water. We believe in active learning and celebrate every milestone. Our courses are designed to help children ease into the water, and we use the latest techniques to ensure that our students receive the best possible instruction. Click the booking button below to book a Sea Love Swim instructor who will come to your home and see the Sea Love Swim difference!
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How Frequently Should My Child Swim with A Sea Love Swim Instructor?
Frequency is key when honing in on a new skill. This is why we recommend twice a week or more for children learning how to swim. We also focus on water safety and teach our swimmers the Sea Love Swim safety sequence of being able to fall into the pool and swim back to the wall.
Why Are Sea Love Swim Lessons private swim lessons?
We teach private swimming lessons because we can customize our lessons toward each individual swimmer, provide in-depth feedback to our swimmers and their family as well as offer flexibility with scheduling.
How Do I Book Lessons For More Than One Child?
We offer Multiple Swimmer Lessons for families with more than one child. With this option you can book a Sea Love Swim Instructor to come teach lessons and they will divide the lesson time between the swimmer count selected for that Multiple Swimmer Lesson. Read More About Multiple Swimmer Lessons.
Sea Love Swim Skills
Seal Pups - Level 1a
Sea Otters - Level 1b
Ages 6+
Sea Turtle - Level 2
Introduction to full body water acclimation
Begin learning cue words for submersion
Gain comfortability with water around ears, eyes, nose and mouth
Supported float on front
Supported float on back
Introduction to bubbles
Introduction to kicking
Beginning breath control using a cup of water
Fully submerge face (1 second)
Introduction to rainbow arms (motion while walking)
Monkey Crawl on side of pool
with Support
Introduction to rolling motion
Retrieve objects in chest deep water
Learn how to exit and enter water independently (Ladder)
Introduction to independent water balance with walking and bounces
Water acclimation to ears, nose and mouth with breath control
Independently Blows bubbles
Learn to fully submerge face
(3 seconds)
Retrieve objects in chest deep water, eyes in
Supported kick on front
Supported kick and balance on back, ears in
Introduction to arms and kicks in combination
Monkey Crawl on side of pool
Roll from back to front/front to back with assistance, face in
Introduction to climbing out of the water from pool side
Introduction to bobs for timing and breath control
Humming (nose) bubbles
Introduction to 3 second tummy glide, face in with flutter kick
Independently float on tummy
Independently float on back
Introduction to super-cuts with flutter kick (dual arm motion)
Introduction to assisted movement on back (monkey, starfish, soldier)
Learn how to level out with flutter kick, tummy float and head position (eyes down)
Unsupported rainbow arms with flutter kick (3-5 yards)
Learn sitting dives from pool wall
Jump in, kick and turn around to swim back to the wall unassisted.
Sea Love Swim's
Water Safety Sequence
A Simulation Of What To Do If A Swimmer Were To Accidentally Fall Into A Pool.
Fall in, kick to the surface and turn around to swim back and grab the pool wall.
Sea Lion - Level 3a
Assisted underwater bobs for breath control, timing and safety
Learn to push off wall into a back float
Begin independent elementary back stroke progression (monkey, starfish and soldier) with flutter kick
Flutter kick with forward motion and roll from front to back with assistance
Roll from back to front without assistance and begin forward swim progression
Introduction to back stroke arms with kick board
Introduction to kneeling dive
Learn assisted otter rolls for object retrieval in water over head or directional change
Maintain water safety skill of falling into the pool and swimming back to the side of pool.
Learn water safety jump in and roll - over to back float with assistance
Introduction to forward movement during underwater bobs for breath control, timing and safety
Master super cuts and rainbow arms with an independent roll over breath
Begin full swim - roll - swim sequence with rainbow arms 15 meters
Learn full swim - roll - swim sequence with super cut arms 15 meters
Introduction to the frog kick and glide on belly with eyes in
Learn elementary back stroke kick and advance in balance, distance and coordination -arms and legs
Continued practice of backstroke arms with kick board
Introduction to kneeling dives
Introduction to otter rolls, change of direction
Maintain water safety skill of falling into the pool and swimming back to the side of pool.
Advance with water safety jump in and roll - over to back float, body orientation and swim back to wall.
Spinner Dolphin - Level 3b
Orca - Level 4
Introduction to side-breathing sequence with kick board
Introduction to catch-up drill for elongated body position
Introduction to side balance drill with side breath for head position and rotation
Begin independent freestyle with side-breathing working up to 25 meter distance
Advance to independent back stroke arms with flutter kick up to 25 meter distance
Maintain independent elementary back stroke progression (monkey, starfish and soldier) with frog kick
Begin proper breaststroke sequence (kick, glide, pull, breathe)
Advance otter rolls for underwater object retrieval, eyes open without support
Introduction to standing dive with streamline (torpedo)
Learn underwater dolphin kick
Introduction to treading water and egg-beater kick
Begin water safety skill of treading water, leveling into a back float, recuperating and swimming back to the wall
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